Myth or Fact – Real Estate “Urban Legends”

No one locks their doors in Churchill, Manitoba

Keylo University - Real Estate Facts and Myths
Real Estate Fact

This may sound completely ridiculous or it may be just about the most “Canadian” thing you have ever heard of. Guess what, it is true… but not for the reason you may think. In Churchill, Manitoba, polar bears roam the streets freely. Because of this, residents are encouraged to leave their doors unlocked, providing an easy escape should they encounter a bear.

Canada has real estate on Mars

Keylo University - Real Estate Facts and Myths
Real Estate Myth

You may have heard this rumor or others similar to it buzzing around. While it would be pretty cool to say our country’s borders extend all the way to the little red planet in the sky or entertain the idea that you could purchase a vacation property in the stars, this isn’t a current possible reality. 

The truth is, the AU has named 1,141 craters on mars after towns and scientists, 30 of which are in Canada. The International Astronomical Union is responsible for naming craters on the red planet using a correlation between size to urban population. Although these given names are not registered or necessarily official, the scientific community recognizes them anyway and it is seen as a great honor. Some prominent craters representing Canada are Gander – named after a town in Newfoundland and Labrador – and Prince Edward Island National Park. 

At this point, no country or person can own any piece of land on mars or any other space dwelling. In article II of the outer space treaty, you will read, “Outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies, is not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means.”

Sears Mail Order Homes

Keylo University - Real Estate Facts and Myths
Real Estate Fact

You may have heard the legend of Sears mail-order homes and thought it was too crazy to be real, but it is 100% true. In the early 20th century, Sears & Roebuck offered a large selection of houses to be purchased through a catalog and shipped to your address. It would be received in the form of materials, tools, and instructions so that  “Any man of reasonable strength, size, and intelligence can assemble a Sears & Roebuck home.” Sound 75,000 of these kits were purchased and some are even available for resale today!

The pyramids were built by slaves

Keylo University - Real Estate Facts and Myths
Real Estate Myth

This misconception has been commonly believed to be true, however it is the biggest myth involving the pyramids of Giza. The rumor is said to have been started by Herodotus – a greek historian that shared stories indicating the use of around 100,000 slaves after he visited the pyramids in 450 BC. 

This has been debunked by archaeologists who discovered the bones of cattle, which indicated that the workers on the build were most likely regularly consuming beef. Considering beef was once a delicacy in ancient Egypt, this suggests that the pyramids were most likely constructed by well-fed workers. In addition, there have been tombs discovered next to the pyramids of Giza. Being buried so closed to the resting place of Pharohs was a great honour, something that would never have been allowed for a slave worker. Currently, it is believed that a force of approximately 10,000 skilled laborers built the Great Pyramids.

Bought a home for a paperclip

Keylo University - Real Estate Facts and Myths
Real Estate Fact

No one could reasonably fathom that this story could be possible, but it is. Kyle MacDonald, a Canadian blogger, made history with this incredible success. His first trade started with a red paperclip and a fish-shaped pen, which was then traded for a hand-sculpted door knob, and so on. His final deal included trading an acquired role in the film “Donna on Demand” of a two-story farmhouse in Kipling, Saskatchewan. 

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