Consumer Relationship Guide

This is the first document you’ll receive from REALTORs and they want you to sign it.


Alarm bells go off!  It’s a scam, they are trying to lock me in.

So you refuse to sign and ghost or start arguing.


That’s unfortunately the beginning of most peoples relationship with an agent when they talk about buying or selling. This document is not a contract locking you into a REALTOR.  It’s actually written for you and your protection.  It’s the first step in explaining what an agent can and can’t do for you.  This is something YOU should be requesting and receiving as soon as possible.

It’s not you vs your agent.  It’s you and your agent vs the world. 


Look at you go, you’re here doing that aren’t you



There are three kinds of relationships you can have with a real estate professional.

1. A real estate brokerage* can act as your agent. This is called a common law agency relationship and it includes all brokerage real estate professionals and staff.


2. An individual real estate professional can act as your agent. This is called a designated agency relationship.


3. You can be a customer to a real estate professional.


The Guide also explains what happens when the buyer and seller have the same agent.

* A brokerage is the organization your industry professional works for.

Consumer Relationship Guide